Code of Conduct

The APV is a side activity organized by the WBC Chairs, in cooperation with ELF. Lena Group, as Organising Secretariat and ELF, bring to your attention some important information and indications, we kindly ask you take in consideration:
  1. 1. The registration to the APV of WBC is mandatory and must be completed via web site: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
  2. The Registration is available for ON SITE and ON LINE Attendance but does not include Lunches and/or other logistic expenses such as accommodation, travel and any other out of pocket expenses
  3. PAGs representative, association and medical societies board members and representatives can register ONLY writing to LENA GROUP ( within June 30, 2024
  4. Individual Patients and Care Givers can ONLY access to APV Activites. NO ACCESS to WBC areas is allowed including pharmaceutical industry exhibition area and WBC Sessions and Posters Rooms and related spaces.
  5. The registration is strictly individual and the badge which will be given on site at the time of registration must be wore for the whole stay inside the APV area.
For more information: